Since its relatively recent launch, Amazon’s Onsite Editorials program has become increasingly more prevalent, but many sellers still don’t quite understand how to get involved and what it takes to get an editorial live and running. 🧐
If you’re unfamiliar with the program, Onsite Editorials is essentially “PR-meets-Amazon” where Amazon takes product guides created by publishers and includes them in shoppers’ search results for certain items.
Having your product featured in an editorial can make it appear more credible and help you dominate the search results when paired with your other advertising initiatives.
Not only will this lead to more people clicking on your product in the short term, but it can also boost your organic sales and organic ranking as time goes on! 💥 🚀
Join Nicolas as he discusses the process of setting up editorials, optimizing keywords for your product to provide to publishers, Amazon’s review process, and how to maximize the likelihood of your editorial showing up in search results to maximize the likelihood of sales! 💰 🤝