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Seller Tips and Tricks for Developing A+ Content! – VENDO Podcast Ep. 89

The e-commerce space is growing increasingly saturated with competition, and “content is king” has never been a truer statement. Selling effectively can no longer be achieved by simply introducing a quality product into a given market and hoping consumers catch on. It requires brand development, strategic content, and diligent consistency.

In this week’s episode, we dive a little deeper into what this means and highlight some of the key considerations that an online seller should be mindful of when launching a new brand, or product(s) to an online marketplace. Join content experts Pablo Solar-Sanchez and Daniel Rodriguez as they unpack what it means to optimize your brand’s e-commerce content, as well as offer some helpful tips and tricks.

Topics Include:
Tips and tricks to increase overall content – (1:06)
Navigating the Walmart style guide with efficiency – (04:00)
Establishing consistency and standardizing your brand’s content – (05:25)
The importance of your imagery and content & content scores – (07:50)
How does content optimization impact your sales? – (11:00)
Some final tips and tricks – (12:50)

Pablo Solar Sanchez, Walmart Account Manager, Advertising Account Manager, VENDO
Daniel Rodriguez, Content Associate Manager, VENDO





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