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Black friday/cyber monday 2020: 164% Average Lift in Units Sold Across All Vendo Brand Partners


31 Brands





lift in advertising revenue from week prior

5 countries

USA, Australia, Canada, UK, and Germany


Growth In Units Sold


There is no doubting the power of Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM). For many brands, it is an absolutely crucial time of the year, enabling them to ride out the rest of the year in excitement. In fact, in 2019, BFCM marked the 2nd biggest day ever for sales in the history of ecommerce. In a year marked with a pandemic, it was even more interesting as more and more people turned to online shopping. However, due to Prime Day being so close to BFCM this year, we saw that Black Friday sales took a hit compared to previous years as consumers were able to get a jumpstart on their holiday shopping. In fact, Amazon offered more deals than ever before, and started them just after Prime Day ended mid-October. Nonetheless, our brand partners came out strong. With an average lift of 164% across all Vendo brand partners, weknow what it takes to win

We Know What it takes to win

Vendo Growth Metrics (Sales):

Vendo Growth Metrics sales
External Traffic Drivers Pay Off:
Vendo leverages external traffic drivers (i.e.paid media via Facebook and Instagram ads, organic media across social media, email marketing, SMS, etc.) to further bolster reach, traffic, and sales.

Vendo Growth Metrics (Units):

Vendo Growth Metrics units
Strategic Structure Pays Off:

Units sold: Brands that had a lead-in and lead-out strategy(sales before and after the main event) saw average jumps in sales by 16% leading up and 54% leading out.

Ads: obtained/maintained high sponsored ranking, attracting the most eyeballs across all of our brands” to “Lead-in and lead-out investments obtained/maintained high sponsored ranking, attracting the most eyeballs across all of our brands.
vendo partner performance

Core Strategies:

  • Lean into gifts aggressively, “gift” related terms saw an average 160% increase week over week for relevant brands.
  • Lean into Essentials and Plastics which drove an average of 180% growth week over week, such as hair/beauty products and toys.
  • Capitalize on high-converting terms: Vendo’s account-wide ACoS remained constant week over week from efficient strategy and proper targeting.
amazon advertising stats
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